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How EFT has helped me, and how it can help you

"If it's hysterical, it's historical"

How many times have you exploded over something insignificant, bursting into tears and frustration, and others looked at you as if you were crazy? You felt powerless, hopeless, and disappointed? Until the point that you just shut down. And you can't even remember when you laughed or cried the last time...


You might have tried yoga, meditation, acupuncture and all the fancy apps. It only helped to ease up some symptoms like anxiety, worrying, stress temporary. But they kept coming back again and again.


Symptoms are your body's and subconscious mind's way to tell you that there's an issue that has deeper roots. And you needed to get to the bottom of it to stop the symptoms.


You've done all those things, and you were supposed to feel grounded, but that expression was as unknown to you as the calculation of go/no-go reentry point for Friendship 7 😆. What does it mean to feel grounded??? 🤔


I have been there. I have lived that. I have healed a big portion of my childhood that I never thought I would be able to do.


Below, you'll find points of how therapy that I offer, that connects mind-body-emotions, has helped me.


Maybe this is something you relate to as well?

It reduced and eliminated negative emotions and memories associated with my past:

  • rape, sexual harassment,

  • bullying - I can face my bully without feeling anger, fear, stress, sweaty hands, overthinking all the possible scenarios of the possible meetings, what I would say and how I would behave,

  • toxic relationships - my feelings of blame, pleasing others, what happened during those relationships and why,

  • my childhood: my unmet needs of love and safety, being unseen and unaccepted; being neglected, ignored and disregarded, emotionally manipulated, and physically abused.

It allowed me to access the buried emotions, that I didn't know I had (at some point in my life, anger was covered up by disappointment, sadness by resignation, numbness even).

Setting boundaries, standing up for myself, saying “No” to others without feeling guilty and running back to apologise

I learned to listen to my gut feeling. Something children of BPD parents stop doing at the very young age.

And that's what it means to be grounded.

I cry, I feel anger and sadness during the sessions (tapping), but at the end of the tapping I am calm vs the traditional therapy with psychologists, where I'd leave shaking, relieving and re-experiencing all the stress and anxiety from the past.

I learned to understand my emotions -- they are there to tell me something about a person, situation, myself

I learned that my needs are important to me. I am important to me. My emotions and feelings are important to me. I have the right to be tired, not to attend others needs, take a time off and not be responsible for others emotional state, e.g. inability to accept a “no”.

I learned to listen to my body - any tension, any contraction, any shakiness tells me something about myself and the situation I am in.

I can stay in the same room, exist and live in the same flat with someone who reminds me of my borderline mum and her behaviour. I keep calm, unaffected. I don't take the behaviour of the other person personally, and my body doesn't respond with: stress, anxiety, overthinking, panicking, the need to run away, or suicidal thoughts.

I learned how to deal with stressful situations on my own, e.g., conflicts and confrontations, talking to emotionally unstable people, neutralising my triggers and red buttons that were created in my childhood.

I stopped having physical reactions like: digestion problems, my abdominal shaking like crazy in trauma-similar situation, one of my fingers stopped having open wounds, pain in the low back, pain in the neck, shoulder pain, pain in my right piriformis muscle, itchiness, and dandruff of my scalp.

I learned how to be present in a situation, instead of having a “system freeze”, and then wondering what was said, why I didn't react right away.

I learn how I sound, feel, behave when I relieve my childhood trauma. I become aware of what patterns of behaviours I repeat in that situation, and can actually decide if I want to change it.

I am able to analyse why I have these “negative” emotions, tap on them and come to the core issue of what triggers them. So that I can let them go. So that I can deactivate the “red buttons” that were installed by my family and the negative surrounding, that I have been carrying with me since my childhood. And this is the most important skill I have learned with EFT.


I would love you to have the chance to heal your emotional wounds and body, and to gain the knowledge how to deal with any possible shit that might hit the fan in the future 🥷.


Is this something you'd like to achieve?


The button below will take you to the page, where I explain how the process and sessions look like.

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