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Love Your Life EFT is Swedish based and these Terms and Conditions as well as Code of Conduct is valid under the laws of Sweden. Regardless of Clients’ location, any legal dispute must be resolved in the jurisdiction of the Practitioner.


Practitioner - Marta Misiak, certified IET and NLP Practitioner, EFT Student Practitioner,


Client - therapy client, person who decides for a session or sessions with the Practitioner. Client’s commitment and motivation are crucial. By agreeing to participate in the session Client agrees to engage with the process, complete any homework that the Client is given, It is with commitment, willingness and partnership with the Practitioner that the best results have a chance to occur. The Client is expected to notify the Practitioner of any upcoming holiday breaks minimum two week ahead (see Fees regarding holiday breaks).


Session - meeting/treatment/consultation. Sessions come as a bundle of eight 1-hour long sessions, one session per week. That is 8 hours of sessions. For the current price pelase check the website.


The session can take place online. The sessions are no cure or promise of fixing client’s issues the Client comes with to the Practitioner. For the best probable results of the session Client’s willingness to cooperate is important. Please, see point “Client” point for more details.


Information Session - the very first session the Client books with the Practitioner. This session is free of charge and lasts 60min. The point of this session is to meet each other, see if the Client feels safe and feels connection with the Practitioner. This session does not bind the Client to buy the consultation or any set. The Client is welcome to share information regarding their expectations and issues they wishes to work on. After the Information Session, the Client is free to choose to discontinue further work with the Practitioner, for any reason. The Practitioner is also free to choose to discontinue further work with the Client if the Practitioner feels this way. However, if both parts decide on continuing and commencing work with each other they agree on comitting to the sessions.


When working remotely online, it is important that the Client makes sure that the environment they’re in is safe, secure, comfortable and free from interruptions as those can disturb the benefit of the session. That does not mean that the place the Client is in has to be quiet, however, it has to allow for undisrupted communication.


It is important that the Client provides the Practitioner with additional mean of contact (phone number, messenger etc) that allows for communication in case the online sessions is interrupted while the Client is in trance mode.


The Client is encouraged to keep their mobile with them, however, on silence mode.

If the Client doesn’t hear the Practitioner’s voice for a period of time 3min or more, The Client is to bring themselves back from the trance and contact the Practitioner on the phone number provided in the Practitioner’s email, website, FB page or LinkedIn. See contact details on the website.


Fees - the sessions are sold as sets:

1 set of 8 sessions there one session lasts 60min


The fee is paid in advance for the whole set. If the fee is paid by bank transfer, especially when it comes to international payments, the fee has to be received and booked on the Practitioner’s bank account latest the day before the first session of each set is to take place (i.e if the first session takes place on Tuesday the payment should be received on the Practitioner’s bank account latest on Monday, if a session takes place on Monday the fee should be received on the Practitioner’s bank account latest on Friday). The fee for each set is the same and the Client is informed about the fee on the Information Session. Any changes to the price will be communicated ahead of time (one month).


If the fee is not booked on the Practitioner’s bank account (as to the rules stated above) the session/sessions are considered not to take place/are cancelled until the fee is received.


A single session can be cancelled up to 24h free of charge. A session cancelled with notice shorter than 24h or a session that the Client did not show up on will be charged as usual (as if it took place) with no refund.


Once the fee has been paid and received by the Practitioner the Client has 30 days to start the therapy. If the therapy is not started withing 30 days the fee is considered to be forfeited, no refund available,

Once the therapy has started, the Client has 3 months to use the 8 hours of the therapy sessions. If there are any unused hours after that 3 months period, those hours and the fee is considered to be forfeited, no refund available.


Holidays - the Client is not charged for any sessions that could have taken place during any holiday break. However, the Client is expected to notify the Practitioner min 2 weeks ahead of the planed holidays so that the Practitioner has time to adjust. If the Client fails to do so the Practitioner can choose to charge for the "non-appearance" sessions.


Complaints - if the Clients wishes to file a complaint about the Practitioner’s they are welcome to do that by contacting EFT International Ltd. on


Reviews - Client may be asked and is welcome to leave a review regarding the sessions and service they receive.

The review can be left anonymously if the Client wishes to - then the review is welcome to be


sent in by email to the Practitioner


done on Google and Setmore


Record Keeping

Security of Notes: the Practitioner is required to keep their notes of client sessions secure. The notes and any information regarding the sessions are kept digitally on my e-reader and cloud secured with a password.


Content of Notes: Notes are kept brief, factual, and do not include comment, diagnosis, speculation, opinion or prognosis and do not include second-hand information from the client about other people. The notes are confident and do not include Client's name, surname nor contact details.


Access to Notes: Courts may subpoena them and Clients have a right to ask to see them. Former child clients may, when they are adults, ask to see notes of the sessions when they were children.


Maintenance of Notes: Records of adult sessions should be kept for at least seven years, unless the Practitioner is working in a country where the law requires them to be retained for longer. In Sweden it is 7 years. For children it is advisable to keep them beyond the point at which the client will be old enough to make a claim for damages against an alleged perpetrator should they wish to do so. The current recommendation is to keep child notes until, as a minimum, the client is aged 25.


Safe Disposal of Notes: The Practitioner should arrange for their records to be destroyed securely should they die or become unable to continue working. The Practitioner is to dispose of the notes securely themselves from time to time during their working life and/or after they retire.





Clients with be treated with respect, honesty and compassion.


Clients are expected to show respect and honesty towards the Practitioner during the treatment. Any signs of disrespect or dishonesty can lead to interruption of the ongoing session and even result in terminating the whole therapy with no refund.

Examples of disrespect can be but are not limited to: Spreading malicious rumours, Trolling, Intimidation, Blackmail, Stalking, Harassment, Setting up false profiles, ’Bombing’ with ‘friend’ requests – often from salacious sites, Grooming , Gaslighting.


Non-discrimination - the clients are provided with the same quality of service despite differences between them such as race, religion, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity.


Environment - to ensure that my practice area and any associated waiting area(s) are safe environments. This means not only physically safe but psychologically safe as well.


During online sessions the client is encouraged to make sure that their area is considered as safe according to their own standards. That many mean but not limit to area that promotes peace, safety, freedom of speaking.


All relevant professional qualification documents are available on request.


The practitioner is entitled to decide who they work with. If the practitioner has no logical reason to say "no" to someone, but their 'gut' is telling them to do so, they are entitled, and even advised, to follow their gut feeling, but once the Practitioner accepts a client, the interests of the client are paramount.


The Practitioner is obliged to provide the best attention and services they can to their clients.


The Practitioner's role

The Practitioner's role is to help Clients find their way to their own solutions, and therefore, advice is rarely appropriate. If, after careful consideration, the Practitioner decides that advice may be useful, then they may, with care, and if appropriately qualified, offer clients some suggestions that encourage them to develop their autonomy

(e.g. lifestyle changes such as beneficial dietary changes, spending more time out in nature and starting an exercise regime, but you must not:

–  give the Client advice about something outside of your professional competence

–  give the Client advice from a position of power 'I know better than you'

–  suggest or advise them to stop medication or to refuse medical treatment


–  advise the Client to take life-changing actions (e.g. leave your partner or change

your job – though of course, you can support them in such choices if they

have independently arrived at that conclusion).


The work of the the Practitioner is not to attempt to erase any memories. It is firstly to discharge distressing emotions and separate them from the memories that trigger the emotion, and secondly, to help the Client to process any negative or unhelpful beliefs that may have developed.


By taking part in the therapy the Practitioner does not promise the Client that if they recover a repressed memory it will help them to feel better. The unconscious mind wants to help and may well create a false memory in an attempt to do so.


The role of the Practitioner is to accept the Client's truth, so if the Client does start to recover a memory, even if it sounds unbelievable, the Practitioner should accept and work with it. Repressed memories can emerge a little at a time, or as a whole, when the unconscious mind feels it is safe to do so or when something in or outside of EFT work triggers recall. Clients often say the worst thing about a traumatic experience, especially one of sexual abuse or domestic violence, was that when they told someone they were not believed.


The Practitioner is to give due consideration to when it is safe for the Client to work with them online and when the nature of the client's history and problems and/or the Client's fragility would indicate the need for a supportive presence in the room.


Privacy and confidentiality: what is shared in sessions is not shared outside them, with the exception of the limits to confidentiality listed below. Not only is the content of therapy practice confidential, so is the fact that someone is consulting the Practitioner unless the Client chooses to reveal it.


Safety: if the Client is seeking help with symptoms that are prolonged or potentially life-threatening or which the Practitioner feels are cause for concern, the Practitioner will inquire whether the Client has consulted a medical practitioner and, if they have not, to advise them to do so. This will be recorded this in the Client notes.


The Practitioner promises the Client that they will keep confidential anything the Client tells them unless the Client reveals something, which gives the Practitioner cause to believe that the Client is a danger to themselves or others. The Practitioner regards suicide threats as not covered by their confidentiality. Please, see Legal Obligations below.


The Practitioner may wish to discuss information about the sessions with their own mentor anonymously, and will take all necessary steps to protect the Client’s identity. The purpose of this is being able to discuss difficult cases with the mentor is an essential part of professional practice.


When working with clients via the Internet, practitioners are unable to control the client's environment. We recommend that practitioners discuss with the client whether his or her location is private.


Competence: If, after beginning work together, the Client is found to need a level of expertise beyond that which the Practitioner is competent or able to offer the Client will be informed and the Practitioner will offer to refer them to someone who has the required level of expertise.


Non-interference with medications: If a client has doubts about their current medication, or reports side-effects or other issues that concern them and/or the Practitioner, the Practitioner advises the Client to discuss this with their qualified medical adviser.


Diagnosis: the Practitioner does not make a medical diagnosis unless they are qualified by appropriate medical training to do so. Nor will they knowingly contradict a diagnosis or advice given by the Client's qualified medical advisor.


Legal Obligations

The following situations MUST be disclosed to the police if they are disclosed during a therapy session, with the legal requirement outweighing the moral obligation of confidentiality:


Drug trafficking

Money Laundering

Female Genital Mutilation


Social media

The relationship between the Practitioner and the Client is professional one.

A ‘friend request’ from the Client will not be accepted on any social media platform.

Client is welcome to follow the social media profiles of the Practitioner for public and general information only, regarding energy medicine, holistic medicine, however, that information is not designated directly to the client and their needs, rather than to general public and should be treated as such.

The Client is not encouraged to comment on the posts or engage in any public conversation on the Practitioner’s social medial profiles. The information on the social media profiles or website are solely for information purposes.

It is up to the Client to comment on the posts or engage in any public conversations regarding the posts. The Practitioner does not take responsibility for the Client’s behaviour, comments, revealing any personal information, details about the sessions etc and any other interaction or digital footprint on Practitioner’s social media profiles. Post regarded disrespectful, revealing private information, whether about the Client, sessions or the Practitioner will be removed when noticed. REMEMBER, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REPLY TO THE COMMENTS. PAUSE, THINK, TAP, PAUSE AGAIN. YOU HAVE A CHOICE WHETHER TO RESPOND AND HOW TO DO IT IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO.



Core organisational values

Love your life has five core organisational values:


Integrity. We do what we say we do. We do not over promise. We are open, honest, and account for our actions. We are ethical and always strive to do the right thing for our members and their students and clients. We have a Code of Conduct and a Code of Ethics, which defines the behaviour, focus and commitment, which our association expects from all its members.


Compassion. We respect people and treat them without prejudice. As a humanitarian association we promote human welfare consistently and reliably.


Excellence. We are a learning company, committed to high-quality professional and safe standards for our association and our accredited members.


Evidence-based. We believe that robust science-based EFT and NLP research is the route to advancing EFT and NLP, bringing it into mainstream awareness and usage around the world. Any research on EFT can be found on or


Stay up to date with developments in the energy psychology field related to current research, developments and understanding of energy medicine.




This privacy policy will explain how Love Your Life uses the personal data I collect from you when you use my booking site.


Love Your Life collects the following data:

- personal identification information (name, email address, phone number) for the purpose of invoicing and delivering services known as therapy and, if necessary and on your request, with your GP to notify them of your therapy with me.

The data is collected when you book the first session with the Practitioner on

Your data is securely stored at the booking website and is used only for you and the therapist regarding sessions (booking, cancelling, reviews).

Your name, email, address, phone number will be kept for the period of time as long as you wish to participate in the therapy. Once this time period has expired, I am obliged by law to keep your data for another 7 years. Any notes taken during the session are unidentifiable: the clients names are not included in the notes. The notes are securely stored on my reader and uploaded to a digital cloud. Both the reader and the cloud are protected with a password.

Love Your Life does not send out marketing information related to any therapy services or products. 


Love Your Life would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:

The right to access – You have the right to request Love Your Life for copies of your personal data. You can access your data, edit it and change it by logging in to your account using

The right to rectification – You have the right to request that Love Your Life correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request Love Your Life to complete the information you believe is incomplete.

The right to erasure – You have the right to request that Love Your Life erase your personal data, under certain conditions. Please, bear in mind that it may result in ability to deliver therapy services.

The right to restrict processing – You have the right to request that Our Company restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions. Please, bear in mind that it may result in ability to deliver therapy services.

The right to object to processing – You have the right to object to Our Company’s processing of your personal data, under certain conditions. Please, bear in mind that it may result in ability to deliver therapy services.

The right to data portability – You have the right to request that Our Company transfer the data that we have collected to another organisation, or directly to you, under certain conditions.

If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email:

Call us at: +46727919609

Or write to us:


Exceptions: In order to safeguard you and the people around you, if you were to disclose that you were going to carry our harm to yourself or someone else, then I am obligated by law to inform the relevant authorities. This is to support you to live well, and I would always aim to discuss this with you prior to contacting anyone.

If I was issued with a police warrant or required by a court of law for your information, then I would also have to provide them with your information.


Changes to our privacy policy

Love Your Life keeps its privacy policy under regular review and places any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 25TH DECEMBER 2023.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about Our Company’s privacy policy, the data we hold on you, or you would like to exercise one of your data protection rights, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Email us at:

Call us: +46727919609


How to contact the appropriate authority

Should you wish to report a complaint or if you feel that Love Your Life has not addressed your concern in a satisfactory manner, you may contact the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection on:


Address; Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten, Box 8114, 104 20 Stockholm, Sweden

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